This is one of my favourite thrown together dishes! It really doesn't require much effort, nor any fancy or expensive ingredients! (Anchovies are optional!)
At just x£1.10 per portion its the perfect dish for any student!
Pricing (based on Asda basics range unless otherwise specified)
Sausages 21p, pasta 5p see my post on Mackerel and Cream Cheese Pasta for proof on just how cheap pasta is these days!, pasatta 25p, olives 19p, red onion 8p, yellow pepper 30p, garlic 2p
Total = £1.10
The only thing I would recommend, is using a pasta that has a big whole in the middle! For example large sea shells! This type of pasta is perfect for chunky sauces as the hollow of the pasta fills up with pieces of sausage and bits of veg - hence giving the dish the name Sausage and Pasta Pieces!
Here's the recipe I hope you enjoy!