At the weekend, I will then share with you 5 variations/toppings/fillings which will make sure this Pancake Day is your best Pancake Day EVER!
Now, I myself have got BIG things planned for Pancake Day (a.k.a. Shrove Tuesday).
It has always been a big deal in my house since I was little and a basic traditional English pancake recipe is one of the first things my Dad taught me to cook!
Though, he phas robably regretted this since! As soon as we were old enough, Mum and Dad would go off to church on a Sunday leaving my sister and I to mess up the kitchen in pursuit of pancakes for breakfast! There would be flour, egg and milk everywhere! (I'm a messy cook as it is, but the combination of my sister, pancakes and I meant there was ten times the mess!)
In my house we only ever eat the thin traditional English style pancake, almost always with a sprinkle of caster sugar and a good squeeze of lemon! This is probably still one of my favourite ways to eat them, though they are so versatile you can put almost anything you want inside or on top of a pancake!
I've only really discovered a love for 'American-style' pancakes recently. The Happy Egg Co has opened up a pancake and waffle house in the Victoria Shopping Centre in Nottingham’s City Centre. It was here that I first tried a thick American pancake. I went the whole hog and had rashers of streaky bacon and maple syrup drizzled on top! Ever since I’ve been obsessed with creating the perfect thick fluffy American pancake, and I believe I’ve done it!
So, here’s what you’ve all been waiting for, the recipes! First the traditional English, and then the American. (I’ve also included a video with the American Style Pancake Recipe so that you can pick up my hints and tips for getting the perfect pancake every time!)
Traditional-English Pancakes!
(based on Mrs Beetons own Pancake Batter!)
American-Style Pancakes!
Before you leave I want to give you this AWESOME bit of pancake advice for anyone on a budget who loves to batch cook – they can be frozen!
This works best for the American style ones which, seeing as they make 16+ is probably a good thing!
As I mention in the video, allow them to cool before placing on a baking tray/cookie sheet. Flash freeze them for 20mins or so then pop them in a freezer/ziplock bag. When you want to eat them they work really well being popped in the toaster for a couple of minutes until hot through!
Now you can have pancake any time you want! Just grab them out of the freezer!
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