Now that’s dealt with let’s move on.
This recipe is one that I have been DIEING to cook since
Christmas, but you know what? It turns out you CAN have too much of a good
thing, and despite everyone telling me how delicious my mincemeat was, they
didn’t want to eat mincemeat leftovers. No-sir-y-bob!
In their defence, I think we only got rid of the last of our
Christmas mince pies about a week ago. This is down to two main things. Firstly,
most of my family were trying to “be good” this Christmas – aka not stuff their
faces with all the delicious treats I had made them. And secondly, we tend to
make at least two batches on Christmas Eve. This results in many leftover mince
pies as people are far too full after Christmas Day/Boxing Day/all the parties
in between, to gorge themselves on these little morsels of joy.
Their loss, not mine.
But hey-ho, you live and learn! Note to self: make less
mince pies next year.
If you, like me, have found yourself still left with
Christmas leftovers in the form of jars and jars of mincemeat, have no fear,
because I have just the recipe for you.

So, I had to disguise it!
Fortunately for me, my mincemeat recipe is choc-full of
delicious fruits. I helped lift these flavours from the mincemeat by adding the
zest of lemons and oranges giving it a lighter, more vibrant flavour. The
light, gooey bread and butter texture was still present, but this complemented the
succulent mincemeat within, rather than being dominated by it.
They were half way through their bowls before anyone even
noticed what I had done! I had successfully served up Christmas in a bowl
exactly 4 weeks after the big event.
As they gobbled down the rest of the pudding, I realised
that this was a battle I had finally one.
So with just one more jar of mincemeat left to go, I am sure
this recipe will be coming out again in the not so distant future. Perhaps I
can stretch Christmas all the way into February too?
But what about you? Am I the only one who loves Christmas
and who is sad when it’s over? Or are you like my family and happy once it’s
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