Hot Cross Buns,
Hot Cross Buns,
Hot Cross Buns.
Hot Cross Buns,
Hot Cross Buns.

Although there seems no doubt that hot cross buns are
English in origin, they may have been around long before this country became
Christian. In fact, it seems they might be another example of a pagan tradition
that Christianity took over. There is some suggesting that the spiced buns were
eaten when celebrating the goddess Eostre. Now even I can see (or hear) that
Eostre sounds a lot like Easter... coincidence I think not!!!
Regardless of whether they are Christian or not, there are
also some rather cool superstitions surrounding the hot cross bun. So the story
goes...if you bake hot cross buns on Good Friday they will not spoil or go mouldy!!!
I’m actually quite tempted to try this one out. Another superstition is that
hot cross buns can protect sailors from shipwrecks. I’m afraid I can’t test
this one so we’ll just have to trust the internet!
After spending just 20mins surfing the internet, I soon
realised that the origins of the humble hot cross buns weren’t quite as
straight forward as I originally thought! I just hoped that baking them would
be easy.

I decided to begin with I would try a traditional recipe
from none other than Mrs Beeton. I’m not a big bread baker as I find no matter
what tip or trick I use to kick start my yeast into gear I never quite get it
right. BUT by just tweaking the traditional recipe a little bit I was able to
SUCCESSFULLY bake my first batch of traditional hot cross buns!!!
The spice balance really is quite a personal thing so feel
free to adjust this to your taste: I used a little less than Mrs Beeton calls
for and also adjusted the dried fruit used.
Now that I’ve managed to master this traditional version
next I will have to take on the supermarkets and attempt a twist on this