I was surprised however when I was going back over my posts in the last year that I did not have a basic muffin recipe! In the past I posted a recipe for cheese muffins and one for banana and chocolate, but I don’t have a double chocolate or blueberry recipe on here! I do surprise myself sometimes.
So, here, at last is an American-style blueberry muffin recipe, but, there is a twist!
I love the sweet syrupy goodness of a big fat blueberry but there is such thing as too much of a good thing, so my muffin recipe has a hidden surprise; a gooey centre of sharp lemon curd to cut those blueberries down to size.
There are many ways you can fill a cupcake or a muffin. You can treat them like a little sandwich cake cutting them in half before spreading your filling between the two, or you can bitterly them as I did with my gooseberry and elderflower cakes, but if you want your filling to be a real surprise then this method is the way for you! Where you see a crack in the muffin top, simply use a narrow nozzled icing bag full of your filling to squeeze it inside! You will see the muffin begin to swell then stop piping before it all squirts out!
This is known as bismark filling! I love seeing people’s faces when they bite into a cupcake or muffin that has been filled in this way!
The bigger the muffin, the more of a filling you will be able to get in!
This recipe will make 12 small muffins or 8 medium sized muffins! Double the recipe for extra large muffins!
These sound amazing, I love lemon curd!