This is the third post in my new series "Currently Craving." Each month I will look at another food or drink that I am currently craving sharing with you my favourite recipes, or branded goods!
Past posts included: Fentinman's botanically brewed drinks and home-made bread!
Currently Craving: Fish!
Just last week, I posted a fish recipe and discussed how
oily fish in particular is great for your brain. Now I love fish at the best of
times, but ever since doing that post I have absolutely been craving fish! Last
night I was lucky enough to have fresh mackerel on toast for supper, and
tonight I’ll be having salmon so I thought with fish at the top of my menu at
the minute I would do a round-up for you of all of the fishy-posts from the
first year of my little blogs life!
BBQ'd Sea Bass with New Potatoes
This is a delicious recipe for the BBQ season! All it takes is a big fresh sea bass and a few simple ingredients.
Asian Style Salmon with Cucumber and Red Onion Dipping Sauce
This is without a doubt my favourite salmon recipe AND my favourite Chinese recipe!!! It really is that good...give it a go...
Trout and Chorizo Chowder
This was the first recipe I came up with for trout and is still a firm favourite with my Mum and Dad who had something similar on holiday last year!
Hugh Fernley-Whittingstal made this recipe a sensation overnight after he re-tweeted it! On that note, if you don't already, follow me @KitchenGoddess3
Trout and Fennel Parcels with Cous-cous
This is another lovely summery dish. You could probably pop these parcels on the BBQ rather than cooking them in the oven!
Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Tagliatelle
This is one fish dish fit for a king! It is SO indulgent and the flavours just melt together in a luxuriously creamy pasta, This is perfect for impressing someone special ;)
Home-made Fish Fingers
One of the best things about this recipe is that it works with pretty much ANY piece of fish! So if you're a student simply buy what's cheap, if you're concerned about the environment, avoid Cod, Gurnard fingers anyone?
One of the best things about this recipe is that it works with pretty much ANY piece of fish! So if you're a student simply buy what's cheap, if you're concerned about the environment, avoid Cod, Gurnard fingers anyone?
This is another simply dish that is perfect for a summer
Tuna Salad
Finally, something light for a lunch time a lovely tuna salad!
Finally, something light for a lunch time a lovely tuna salad!
I hope you have enjoyed my fishy-round up!
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